Naturopathic Medicine distinguishes itself from traditional medicine because it utilizes not just modern science but also natural solutions in order to produce a system of healing that seeks to induce the body to heal itself. A lot of people may not know that Naturopathic physicians undergo extensive training to become primary care providers who are able to both diagnose and treat severe conditions while focusing on body, mind, and spirit.

By utilizing Naturopathic medicine, a person effectively aids their own body to undergo the process of getting rid of what ails it. As you would expect, Naturopathic doctors (NDs) use various types of therapies in order to accomplish healing for the patient as a whole. Some of the treatments that Naturopathic doctors commonly employ to help their patients include diets that are individualized for them, counseling, fasting, herbal remedies, mineral remedies, vitamin supplements, and more. A Naturopathic doctor in Kingston can help you.

Naturopathic Medicine and Cancer

Naturopathic medicine cannot claim to be the right treatment option for cancer at this time, although it must be said that a lot of people believe it to be. When Naturopathic doctors treat patients who are suffering from some type of cancer, they will invariably utilize a combination of therapies to help them heal; while there are people who are skeptical that this combination of treatments works for cancer patients at all, there are some who swear by it.

Simply put, more research about the efficacy of Naturopathic medicine when it comes to treating cancer needs to be done. This is not to say that there is no evidence at all; in fact, some research does suggest that some Naturopathic medicine or methods employed by Naturopathic doctors work effectively to help patients deal with certain side effects of cancer. Again, more research is needed but some of the methods in question here include acupuncture, massage therapy, and advanced diet and nutrition.

Are there Side Effects from Naturopathic Medicine?

One of the most common questions that come up when people are thinking about Naturopathic medicine is whether there are any side effects or risks that people should be concerned about. Of course, if you are considering Naturopathic medicine, you should talk to your primary health provider about it. When it comes to people who are already getting cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, there is very little that can tell us what side effects they may experience from certain Naturopathic medicines, although these could interact with over-the-counter drugs; every single case must be considered thoroughly by professionals.

Choosing the Right Naturopathic Doctor for You

Choosing the right Naturopathic doctor for treatment might seem like a very difficult thing to do, but it should not be. One thing to keep in mind is that you might come across Naturopaths offering treatment, but a Naturopath is not a trained Naturopathic doctor. Do not be afraid to ask the person whom you are considering to treat you about his or her training and background as this will help you establish how knowledgeable and professional you can expect the person to be.

Dr. Kate Scott, Naturopathic Doctor
510 Canatara Court, Suite 2
Kingston, Ontario K7M 0G3
(613) 767-6982
